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Monday, 11 August 2008

Travel Light

Frankie came to visit Jimmy this past month in what became a MITHICO VIAGGIO. Jimmy thinks that good things happened to Frankie on this trip. Jimmy thinks that Frankie learned some things about traveling light. Like BKG does.

You can travel light both materially and mentally. Too much material will make you go mental.

When you let go it’s liberating. There’s nothing like traveling with only you, a pack on your back and the road ahead of you. Aren’t these the only things that are real?

When you travel light you can catch the wind!

Commentary for Travel Light

1 On 2008.08.11 at 23:26 GMT thus spake FRANKIE:

IT WAS DEFINITELY A MITICO VIAGGIIOOO!! and Frankie definitely traveled LIGHT.

2 On 2008.08.11 at 23:38 GMT thus spake BKG:

Light when they lost your bag eh?

3 On 2008.08.12 at 01:29 GMT thus spake FRNKIE:


4 On 2008.08.12 at 09:29 GMT thus spake Jimmy Boss:

OOOOH!!! FRANCO!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! The suitcase disappearance was a MESSAGE FROM THE GODS. Karmanic force bearing down and trimming excess to make you LIGHT to FLY. Get ready for Amsteradama mental flight too when back!!!