Why does it matter
Protecting plant resources from pests and diseases
International travel and trade have reached unprecedented volumes. As people ships and commodities travel the world organisms that present risks to plants travel with them - whether intentionally introduced or accidentally (hitchhiking). Government farmers and consumers lose billions of dollars every year due to the negative impacts of pest introduction (Wheelis et al. 2002). Once pest species become established over large areas eradication is often impossible to achieve (Rejma¡nek & Pitcairn 2002).
![Photo description](/ippc/img/photo-whydoesitmatter-t.jpg)
The IPPC framework allows countries to analyze the risks presented to their national plant resources and use science-based measures to safeguard their cultivated plants and wild flora.
By protecting plant resources from pests and diseases the IPPC helps to:
- Protect farmers worldwide from economically devastating pest and disease outbreaks (examples of losses averted?)
- Protect the environment from loss of species diversity and ecosystem functions (examples of losses averted?)
- We could list others here—consumers industry for example.
Definition of Pest
Harmonized international standards
The IPPC framework empowers countries to regulate their imports based on scientifically backed methods. By implementing the IPPC standards and making their import requirements publicly available countries protect their plant resources while avoiding unnecessary barriers to trade.
See also the IPPC and International Trade The WTO agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures states that to harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as wide a basis as possible Members shall base their sanitary or phytosanitary measures on international standards guidelines or recommendations.
The Agreement recognizes the IPPC as the appropriate authority for setting plant health standards and for encouraging their worldwide adoption. Harmonized international standards
Harmonized international standards advantages:
- Based on science not national interest
- Common terminology equivalent practice worldwide adoption
- Predictable and transparent framework for global trade in perishable commodities