Draft - Requirements for the establishment, maintenance and verification of areas of low pest prevalence | en,fr,es
Draft - Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,es,fr
Draft - Concept of equivalence of phytosanitary measures and its application in international trade (Guidelines for...) | en,es,fr
Draft - Inspection of consignments (Guidelines for...) | en,es,fr
- Revision of ISPM No. 3 (Guidelines for the export, shipment, import
and release of biological control agents and beneficial organisms) | en,es,fr
Draft - Consignments in transit (Guidelines for...) | en,es,fr
Country consultation - Guidelines for the submission of comments | en,es,fr
Template - Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,es,fr
Template - Consignments in transit (Guidelines for...) | en,es,fr
Template - Inspection of consignments (Guidelines for...) | en,es,fr
Template - Concept of equivalence of phytosanitary measures and its application in international trade (guidelines on...) | en,es,fr
Template - Requirements for the establishment, maintenance and verification of areas of low pest prevalence | en,es,fr
- Revision of ISPM No. 3 (Guidelines for the export, shipment, import
and release of biological control agents and beneficial organisms) | en,es,fr
Draft - Guidelines for an import regulatory system | en,fr,es
Draft - Pest risk analysis for regulated non-quarantine pests | en,fr,es
Draft - Supplement to ISPM No. 11 (Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests) on pest risk analysis for LMOs | en,fr,es
Country consultation - Guidelines for submission of comments 2003 | en,fr,es
Country consultation - Guidelines for the submission of comments | en,es,fr
Draft - Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests | en,es,fr
Draft - Requirements for the submission of phytosanitary treatments | en,es,fr
Draft - Consignments in transit (Guidelines for ...) | en,es,fr
Draft - Requirements for the establishment and maintenance of pest free areas for tephritid fruit flies | en,es,fr
Draft - Revision of ISPM No. 1: Principles for the protection of plant health | en,es,fr
Template - Consignments in transit (guidelines for...) | en,es,fr
Template - Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests | en,es,fr
Template - Requirements for the establishment and maintenance of pest free areas for tephritid fruit flies | en,es,fr
Template - Requirements for the submission of phytosanitary treatments | en,es,fr
Template - Revision of ISPM No. 1: Principles for the protection of plant health | en,es,fr
Proposed revision to Methyl Bromide (MB) Fumigation Schedule (ISPM No.15) | en,fr,es,ar,zh
Letter- Submission of ISPM No. 15 MB Schedule | en,fr,es,zh,ar
2006 Country consultation - Guidelines for the submission of comments | en
2006 Country consultation - Template for the submission of comments | en
2006-May-Country consultation - Template for the submission of comments | en
2006-May-Country consultation - Guidelines for the submission of comments | en
2. Country consultation: Guidelines for the submission of comments | en,fr,es
Draft ISPM: Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,es,fr
Draft ISPM: Recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence | en,fr,es
Draft ISPM: Revision of ISPM No. 2 (Pest risk analysis) | en,es,fr
Draft ISPM: Debarked and bark-free wood | es,en,fr
Draft ISPM: Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae) | en,fr,es
Template: Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae) | en,fr,es
Template: Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,es,fr
Template: Recognition of pest free areas and areas of low pest prevalence | en,fr,es
Template: Revision of ISPM No. 2 (Pest risk analysis) | en,es,fr
Template: Debarked and bark-free wood | en,es,fr
Template: Phytosanitary treatments for regulated pests | fr,es,en
1. Accompanying letter | en,fr,es
Glossary of phytosanitary terms (ISPM No. 5): Proposed amendments | en
Cover letter | en,fr,es
Draft diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi | es,fr,en,ar,zh
Fast-track standard setting process (as adopted at ICPM-6) | en,fr,es,zh,ar
Draft: Classification of commodities into phytosanitary risk categories | en,es,fr
Draft: Debarked and bark-free wood (Supplement to ISPM No. 5) | en,es,fr
Draft: Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,es,fr
Draft: Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae) | en,es,fr
Draft: Developing a strategy to reduce or replace the use of methyl bromide for phytosanitary purposes | en,es,fr
A - Letter | en,fr,es
A - Guidelines for the submission of comments | en,es,fr
Template: Classification of commodities into phytosanitary risk categories | en,es,fr
Template: Debarked and bark-free wood (Supplement to ISPM No. 5) | en,es,fr
Template: Establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies (Tephritidae) | en,es,fr
Template: Amendments to ISPM No. 5 (Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,es,fr
Template: Sampling of consignments | en,es,fr
Template: Developing a strategy to reduce or replace the use of methyl bromide for phytosanitary purposes | en,es,fr
Draft: Sampling of consignments | en,fr,es
Support document for the draft on sampling of consignments | en,es,fr
Fast-track standard setting process (adopted by ICPM-6 (2004)) | ar,zh en,fr,es
Cover letter | en,fr,es,ar,zh
Fourteen (14) draft irradiation treatments | ar,zh en,fr,es
Draft 1: Regulating wood packaging material in international trade (revision of ISPM No. 15) | en,es,fr
Draft 2: Categorization of commodities according to their phytosanitary risk | en,es,fr
3: Fruit fly trapping (proposed Annex 1 to ISPM No. 26 (Establishment
of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)) [warning: file > 1
MB] | en,es,fr
Draft 4: Glossary of phytosanitary terms (Amendments to ISPM No. 5) | en,es,fr
5: Terminology of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in
relation to the Glossary of phytosanitary terms (draft supplement to
ISPM No. 5, Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en,fr,es
Draft 6: Structure and operation of post-entry quarantine facilities | en,es,fr
Draft 7: Pest free potato micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade | en,es,fr
Draft 1: Regulating wood packaging material in international trade (revision of ISPM No. 15) | en
Draft 3: Fruit fly trapping (proposed Annex 1 to ISPM No. 26 (Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)) | en
1. Letter regarding member consultation 2008 | en,es,fr
Draft 6: Structure and operation of post-entry quarantine facilities | en
2. Guidelines for the submission of comments on draft ISPMs | en,es,fr
Draft 7: Pest free potato micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade | en
3. Background information on draft ISPMs for consultation 2008 | en,es,fr
Template 1: Regulating wood packaging material in international trade (revision of ISPM No. 15) | en,es,fr
Template 2: Categorization of commodities according to their phytosanitary risk | en,es,fr
3: Fruit fly trapping (proposed Annex 1 to ISPM No. 26 (Establishment
of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae)) - revised 27 June 2008 | en,es,fr
Template 4: Glossary of phytosanitary terms (Amendments to ISPM No. 5) | es,en,fr
5: Terminology of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in
relation to the Glossary of phytosanitary terms (draft supplement to
ISPM No. 5, Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | es,en,fr
Template 6: Structure and operation of post-entry quarantine facilities | es,en,fr
Template 7: Pest free potato micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade | en,es,fr
Draft 2: Categorization of commodities according to their phytosanitary risk | en
Draft 4: Glossary of phytosanitary terms (Amendments to ISPM No. 5) | en
5: Terminology of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in
relation to the Glossary of phytosanitary terms (draft supplement to
ISPM No. 5, Glossary of phytosanitary terms) | en
7. Form for providing feedback on the system for online submission of comments on draft ISPMs | en
4. Letter regarding the online system for member consultation 2008 | en,es
5. Instructions for online submission of comments on draft ISPMs | en,es
6. Demonstration of online submission of comments on draft ISPMs | en,en,en
1. Letter regarding member consultation, 2009 | en,fr,es
2. Guidelines for the submission of comments on draft ISPMs | en,fr,es
3. Background information on draft ISPMs for member consultation, 2009 | en,fr,es
Draft 1: Diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi (Word files are 3 MB) | en,fr,es en,fr,es
Template 1: Diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi | en,fr,es
2: Cold treatments of Citrus spp against some species of fruit flies
(French version updated 25 June 2009 to include 8th treatment) | en,es,fr
Template 2: Cold treatments of Citrus spp against some species of fruit flies | en,es,fr
Summary report of cold treatments | en,fr,es
Draft 3: Revision of ISPM No. 7: Export phytosanitary certification system | en,fr,es
Template 3: Revision of ISPM No. 7: Export phytosanitary certification system | en,fr,es
Draft 4: Revision of ISPM No. 12: Phytosanitary certificates | en,es,fr
Template 4: Revision of ISPM No. 12: Phytosanitary certificates | en,es,fr
Draft 5: Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants | en,es,fr
Template 5: Design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants | en,es,fr
Draft 6: Amendment to the Glossary - Please note that corrections have been made in the Amendment to ISPM No. 5, 30 July 2009 | en,es,fr
Template 6: Amendment to the Glossary | en,fr,es
Summary report on the development of the draft diagnostic protocol for Thrips palmi | en,fr,es