Yours truly by friend and photographer Mino Togna using friend and photographer Gaspar Hijo de Carlos’ camera.
The metro wasn’t running and we needed to take the free shuttle bus instead. We sat near a large woman next to a small boy and listened.
Whatchyou talkin’ ‘bout the end o’ the world’? It be just a storm, not the end o’ the world! Who been givin’ you ideas ‘bout the a-po-ca-lypse anyway?! You wake up in the morning (snap) — happy. You go outside for a walk (snap) — happy. That’s how it’s done, son! There be no time for bein’ pessi-mistic! Look at me! I still have some years in me and I don’t have time fo’ dis shit! (loud joyous laughter)
Meeting old friends after 20 years.
A pleasure to spend time with Bruce Gilden.
When going home in the train later in the evening I began to cry. I then realized Bruce reminds me of my late father.