Going back to the office job reminds me of my father’s retirement, and of Milton Glaser, one of the greatest graphics designers, speaking about aging (Ten Things I Have Learned - Milton Glaser):
Last year someone gave me a charming book by Roger Rosenblatt called ‘Ageing Gracefully’ I got it on my birthday. I did not appreciate the title at the time but it contains a series of rules for ageing gracefully. The first rule is the best. Rule number one is that ‘it doesn’t matter.’ ‘It doesn’t matter that what you think. Follow this rule and it will add decades to your life. It does not matter if you are late or early, if you are here or there, if you said it or didn’t say it, if you are clever or if you were stupid. If you were having a bad hair day or a no hair day or if your boss looks at you cockeyed or your boyfriend or girlfriend looks at you cockeyed, if you are cockeyed. If you don’t get that promotion or prize or house or if you do – it doesn’t matter.’ Wisdom at last.
Large egos. Disrespect for others. Rudeness. Jealousy. Responses. Anger comes in a flash. Destruction. Too close to the time. Get away. No more illusions. Maybe that is the lesson?